CIS E-learning (A Unit Of Chitransh Ideal Services Pvt. Ltd) is incorporated under the Company Act 1956 in 2013, with the aim to spread its wings in the different sectors.We CIS, act as Bridge between Students and universities mean to say that as we all know that in this vast diversification we all need guidance to make our future bright and colorful.So CIS, stand with spreading hand to place and to provide full support to every seeking individual to make his life full of colors. Our trained counselors advise students on careers in demand and try to match it with the students’ educational background, aptitude and aspirations.
About Us
About Us
CIS has put the step in the field of education with aim to spread the light and value of quality education to every individual which make them single and unique even in crowd.
To established valuable position in crowd and to make them ready to face the challenges of Corporate World to come up with flying colors in their endure life.
With the vision to develop the world class educational environment that make the student ready to face the challenges of professional world and we also make them smart enough to sense the responsibility and ethics of tomorrow.